Tuesday, 16 July 2019

24 years and Santa Fe... a brief pause....

Pretty much every American we have spoken to on the Route has raved about Santa Fe and when we get there, it’s easy to see why. It’s not like America at all! Firstly, you can walk around it, actually leave the car and walk - rather than drive to each and every place you want to go, park and then drive off again. Secondly, the architecture is obviously very different, the houses are softer, smaller, rounder and the gardens are bright, colourful with apricot trees and lavender and hollyhocks everywhere. But it’s still America, so everything is easy....not challenging or hard. And it’s cute! The main square is cute in a way that Key West, or Fisherman’s Wharf or pretty much and ‘olde towne’ is in the US... touristy and just not us. BUT...there is (obviously) a hip part, with several breweries a couple of good vintage shops and a margarita trail and we manage to stay in the most fabulous sweet Airbnb that we fall in love with. We do the normal stuff....but mainly this is about me and Sam having been married for 24 years. 24 years and we still walk down the street holding hands, I still look at him and see the man of my dreams, we talk ENDLESSLY....planning fun for the future and smiling over our lives right now and how we fall into the most fabulous adventures. Sam makes my heart flip flop, he would save me from zombies, I am excited to come home at night to see him - even though we drive in to work together - and home together and honestly, one of the best things about being on the amazing holiday is just being with him. Sam makes everything all right. I love him more now if that is possible than when we got married as over excited naive pups that wanted to get married because NO ONE ELSE DID THAT (and indeed many folks asked ‘when is it due’ when we told then about the wedding) and it was funny. I have now been with Sam in my life for longer than I had loved before he came along. And our life with Dais, as our small, odd, but excellent family is just about the best I could imagine. Santa Fe, margaritas, silly roadrunner trains, craft beer & hops from East Kent, crazy plans for future fun, a gorgeous home from home for a few days.... a brief pause in our adventures.

1 comment:

  1. You are the heartbeat in my life, and I'm so proud that you are my daughter . What you and Sam have,is magical, something, sadly still many just don't have. This amazing journey in America has been just another way that you can both share the love you have for each other, and for the love of adventure and discovery! Santa Fe looks a wonderful place to celebrate that love.
